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Insights from an alternative materials workshop

The workshop was built around the “case of BPA-free can linings,” but the gist was to share best practices and common challenges across industries as we move towards alternative materials.

What is lurking in your toothpaste?

A new report published by the Cornucopia Institute, compares and assesses the ingredients of many toothpastes available in the marketplace

People want to know about safer products

indigo blue plant

My top blog entries for 2015 centered mostly on safer products, and the role retailers play in driving demand and educating their customers around those products. I thought it would be interesting to compare the popularity of my blogs in 2015. I wrote over 30 articles about chemical management, including blog posts on Chemical regulations. […]

BizNGO conference attracts thought-leaders committed to safer chemicals


This was the 10th BizNGO conference and there was much to discuss and learn. BizNGO is one of my favorite conferences because there is such a willingness to share information, brainstorm ideas and drive forward on the path to safer chemicals. I really like the interesting content, the cross industry collaboration and the valuable input from the NGO […]

Green Chemistry Centers advance green chemistry education

The Global Green Chemistry Centers (G2C2) advances green chemistry education, public outreach, and decision making for a sustainable 21st Century. They just had their third conference.

Major retailers drive demand for safer chemicals

Retail mall

New study finds toxic phthalates in many vinyl floors. A study released  by the NGO Healthy Stuff finds toxic phthalates present in many vinyl floors. These floor materials are sold by major retailers including Lumbar Liquidators, Lowels and Home Depot. Phthalates are endocrine disruptors, which are chemicals that may cause low testosterone, birth defects and cancer. […]

Healthy Nail Salon Program removes “toxic trio” in products and promotes safer working conditions.

Dark side of nail salons exposed. The New York Times recently published two reports about nail salons in New York. The first article, The Price of Nice Nails is about how female workers are underpaid, exploited and face ethnic bias and other abuse. The second article, Perfect Nails, Poisoned Workers, focuses on some toxic ingredients in nail products tied […]

The Rise of the Green Chemistry Director

Green chemistry director

“Green Chemistry” jobs shows companies are taking a proactive approach to addressing chemicals in products and supply chains

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    Amanda Cattermole
    415 412-8406

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